Rockstar | Writer | Producer | Advocate

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Tried and true recipes and advice to keep you feeling fit, fantastic and thriving... This is what works for me!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's Fun to Be a Kid Again... Whole-Wheat Honey Almond-Butter Waffles

The footage for Video #2 (Wasteland) is undergoing metamorphosis in my friend Max's Macintosh laboratory. Max has a couple remixes of my songs coming out soon as well.

And Video #3 (It's Not Enough) wraps tomorrow! We are moving FAST.

Video #3 involved the talents of a very sweet and truly inspiring little girl named Tiarra. Thank you to Tiarra and her family, as well as to our other talent, Brian, for your commitment and professionalism. Thank you also to Derek, the director, for his impeccable organization and preparation; we were actually ahead of our shoot schedule today. That NEVER happens. And thank you to Mikko (producer) and Julie (make-up artist) for your wonderful contributions as well.

So far, every video concept and approach has been entirely unique, and I am loving how it feels to jump in and go for it. It is SO fun to be working with so many talented professionals and downright good-hearted people.

Here is my take-home message of the day: Never grow up. PLAY. Happy thoughts can make you fly.

Everything always goes best in my life when I am living it, playing, and having fun doing it. Worrying won't fix troubling thoughts, but shifting into positive action will go a long way to set my mind at ease. In fact, my observation is that the most successful and the 'coolest' people I know in Hollywood are EXACTLY the ones who allow themselves to be genuine and to live their lives lightly. Being super serious and self-important is unsustainable... And unnecessary!

There's something so magical about being around children, because they haven't forgotten how to be natural yet. They live in the moment, they express their true feelings, and most of the time, all they want is to have fun and be loved. Little ones have great lessons to teach us if we are willing to tune in, listen, and remember.

Lately, I've started looking at the toy aisles in stores again... And getting excited! Remember how that felt? That's how life should be the majority of the time.

I'm really grateful for all the things that take me back and help me remember how easy it really is to just be... So that I can be more fully present now, and much more fulfilled.

Nutrition Breakdown:
This one is hearty, healthy and super easy. Whole-wheat = unrefined carbs = slower digestion, feeling full longer, and more stable blood sugar. It also equals fiber and a whole parade of vitamins and minerals.

Ditch the saturated fat of butter and massive sugar overloads of syrup. You get a dose of heart healthy fat (which helps lower cholesterol) and a fair amount of protein from the almond butter, and anti-oxidants from the honey. Plus some studies suggest that cinnamon can help rev your metabolism. If you're looking for a nutritious - and filling - twist on a favorite breakfast treat, this is it.

Whole-Wheat Honey Almond Butter Waffles

You'll need (per serving):

2 Eggo low-fat Nutrigrain or Whole-Wheat Waffles (other brands are fine, just always look for WHOLE wheat as the first ingredient on the package)
1-2 Tbsp Almond Butter
1-2 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Toast the waffles to desired crispiness, then divide almond butter between them and spread with a knife. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Enjoy with fresh cut fruit (my favorite pairing is a sliced up banana and fresh raspberries).

Serve with 80z of low or non-fat ORGANIC milk, green tea or coffee.

Happy thoughts! :)


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